If your organization is getting ready to make a move over, but not sure what quite to expect don't worry Dock 365 is here to help shed some light. To change the setting for multiple users you could for example use a CSV file: Import-CSV C:\temp\users.As announced in 2018 Microsoft Teams is slated to replace Skype for business, Microsoft cited the change due to the activity levels in the applications heavily favoring Microsoft teams. Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity –OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled $true Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity –OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled $false

To change it per user you will need to set the OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled parameter in the Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration cmdlet: # Disable default Teams meeting So you can set the default for the entire organization to false, and enable online meetings by default for a couple of users. Good to know is that the user configuration overrules the organization configuration. It’s also possible to change the setting for only a couple of users with PowerShell. Change the setting for multiple users with PowerShell It can take a couple of hours before the setting is applied to all the mailboxes. You can verify the change with: Get-OrganizationConfig | select OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled We are going to change the organization configuration and set the parameter OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled to false: Set-OrganizationConfig -OnlineMeetingsByDefaultEnabled $false

The first step is to connect to Exchange Online: Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName Note Make sure that you have the Exchange Online module installed on your computer before you continue. This is possible, but only with PowerShell using the ExchangeOnline module. When you have a lot of users you probably want to change this setting for your entire organization. Disable Default Online Meetings for the Entire Organization Users can still create a Teams Meeting by simply clicking on the Teams Meeting icon. If you now create a new meeting you will see that the Teams link is gone. Uncheck “Add online meeting to all meetings”Ĭlick Ok to save and close the options screen.In Outlook, click on File and select Options (lower-left corner).This way the user can also self choose if they want teams meeting by default or not. When only a couple of users don’t want the default Teams meeting, you will have to disable it in the Outlook Options. In this article, I will explain how you can disable the default Teams Meeting in Outlook and change this setting for your entire organization. Even though online meetings can be a time-saver, they should not always be the default option. This behavior is new and came with the latest update of Office to version 2204. You probably have noticed that all meetings in Outlook are now Teams Meeting by default.